Q&A: Luxembourg Arbitration Guide

The decision regarding the seat of arbitration is a fundamental aspect of arbitration proceedings and can impact the legal environment within which the dispute will be resolved. Generally, in Luxembourg, parties enjoy a significant degree of autonomy in selecting the seat of arbitration, however, there may be some considerations that could place certain restrictions.

In Luxembourg, parties are, in principle, free to choose the seat of arbitration, subject to public policy restrictions and the requirement that the arbitration agreement is valid under the law to which the parties have subjected it or under the law of the country where the award is made.

For instance, disputes involving public entities or state-owned enterprises may be limited by sovereign immunity considerations or legal provisions related to state entities, which is a common principle in international arbitration law. Certain disputes governed by mandatory legal provisions (such as labour law or residential lease disputes) may not be subject to an arbitration agreement due to public policy or legislative restrictions. Moreover, the arbitrability of the subject matter of the dispute can also impose restrictions. In Luxembourg, certain categories of disputes, particularly those which concern public order, such as criminal or insolvency matters, are typically and in principle non-arbitrable. In such instances, these disputes must be settled by national courts.

Additionally, when a seat outside of Luxembourg is chosen, the parties must ensure that the law of the selected jurisdiction does not contain prohibitions or limitations on the type of disputes that can be arbitrated. Each jurisdiction may have its own rules on arbitrability and public policy restrictions.

Overall, while Luxembourg's arbitration-friendly legislation typically allows for broad discretion in the choice of the seat of arbitration, it is crucial to carefully consider the nature of the dispute, the parties involved, and the specific laws of the proposed seat, to ensure that the selection complies with the applicable laws and regulations. It is important to note that these references are illustrative and not exhaustive. Arbitration law is complex and multifaceted, and the specific legal considerations may vary depending on the exact nature of the dispute, the entities involved, and the choice of seat of arbitration. Professional legal advice should always be sought when dealing with these issues. Consulting with an experienced arbitration lawyer can be very beneficial in navigating this complex regime.

Absolutely, Luxembourg, in line with its robust legislative framework for arbitration, does indeed have specific provisions for the separability of arbitration agreements. These provisions are encapsulated in Article 1227-2 of the NCPC. In effect, this critical legal provision expressly establishes the principle of the 'separability' or 'independence' of the arbitration agreement from the underlying contract. It specifies that an arbitration agreement is autonomous, distinctly separate from the contract it is part of. Hence, the validity and continuance of the arbitration agreement are not affected or influenced by the invalidity or termination of the main contract. In essence, Luxembourg's arbitration law, aligning with international arbitration practices, guarantees the enduring validity of arbitration agreements, regardless of any legal disputes arising from the underlying contract. This not only echoes Luxembourg's pro-arbitration stance but also strengthens its reputation as a preferred destination for commercial dispute resolution via arbitration.

Article 1228 of the Luxembourg New Code of Civil Procedure (NCPC) sets forth a flexible approach regarding the determination of the arbitration seat. Specifically, it allows the parties involved in arbitration to freely agree on the location where the arbitration is to be held or to assign this decision-making power to an appointed individual responsible for organizing the arbitration process. In situations where the parties do not make such a determination, the provision entrusts the arbitration tribunal with the authority to set the arbitration seat. This decision is made by considering the specific circumstances surrounding the case, including the preferences and conveniences of the parties involved. This rule ensures that the arbitration process remains adaptable and responsive to the needs and agreements of the parties, or in their absence, to the reasoned judgment of the arbitration tribunal.

In Luxembourg, the default provisions empower the arbitral tribunal with the authority to determine the language of arbitration. This decision is carefully made by the tribunal, taking into account relevant factors such as the nature of the dispute, the parties involved, and the specific circumstances at hand. The goal is to ensure an efficient and equitable process, enabling all parties to, fully and comprehensively, present their arguments and evidence. This approach ensures that the arbitration proceedings are conducted in a manner that is accessible and fair to everyone involved.

It is crucial to note that the default provisions may not always align with the parties' preferences or expectations. Therefore, it is highly advisable to include explicit clauses in the arbitration agreement pertaining to the seat and language to avoid uncertainty or disputes. By expressly agreeing on these aspects, parties can exercise greater control over the arbitration process and tailor it to their specific needs and requirements.

In conclusion, in the absence of an agreement on the seat and language of arbitration, Luxembourg's legal framework provides default provisions empowering arbitral tribunal to make these determinations respectively. However, for a smoother and more efficient arbitration process, it is strongly recommended to include clear provisions in the arbitration agreement addressing these key aspects.

In Luxembourg, it is indeed within the authority of an arbitral tribunal to determine its own jurisdiction. This power is explicitly granted by the New Code of Civil Procedure. Article 1227-2 states that the arbitral tribunal has the jurisdiction to decide on matters concerning its own authority, including addressing any challenges related to the existence or validity of the arbitration agreement. This provision ensures that the tribunal can effectively address and resolve any jurisdictional issues that may arise, thereby affirming the autonomy and efficiency of the arbitration process.

In principle, under article 1227-3 of NCPC, a party is generally precluded from seeking a court's determination on an arbitral tribunal's jurisdiction if an arbitration clause is in place. This reflects a strong legal preference for arbitration as the primary mode of dispute resolution. State courts are expected to defer to the competence of the arbitral tribunal, and in presence of arbitration agreement, the invocation of a state court’s jurisdiction is considered an exception, not the rule.

This exceptional circumstance arises only under specific, and narrowly defined conditions. A state court or tribunal may assume jurisdiction if, and only if, the arbitration agreement is patently null and void or if it is manifestly unenforceable. This could occur in instances where the dispute itself is obviously and evidently not subject to arbitration or if there are glaring legal flaws in the arbitration agreement. Apart from these exceptional scenarios, the presence of an arbitration clause generally compels the state court to decline jurisdiction. However, a state court or tribunal can only decline its jurisdiction in response to a plea of incompetence raised in limine litis by a party. The court is not authorized to declare its lack of jurisdiction sua ponte i.e. on its own initiative. This approach underscores the legal system's commitment to uphold the autonomy of the arbitration process and reinforces the principle that resorting to state courts in the presence of an arbitration clause is an extraordinary measure, activated only upon a party's request.

Yes, parties involved in arbitration under Luxembourg law have specific duties and obligations. These duties are outlined in various articles of the Nouveau Code de Procedure Civile (« NCPC »), ensuring a structured and fair arbitration process.

 Firstly, Article 1231 and subsequent sections of the NCPC mandate that both parties and arbitrators must follow the procedural rules, timelines, and formats set for the arbitration proceedings, whether agreed upon mutually or outlined in the applicable regulations. This requirement ensures a streamlined arbitration process, offering consistency and predictability, while also ensuring procedural efficiency.

Article 1231-3 of the NCPC highlights the requirement for the arbitral tribunal to ensure party equality and adhere to adversarial principles, underscoring a commitment to fairness and due process fundamental to litigation. These essential principles, vital across all litigation forms, including arbitration, are detailed in Title II of the NCPC (Book I, Articles 50 and onwards), covering general provisions for contentious cases. These provisions demand adherence to adversarial procedures, the expectation of dignified conduct, and collaboration with court-directed investigations. Importantly, these standards are also incumbent upon the parties involved in arbitration, reinforcing the expectation of equitable and principled engagement. This alignment of arbitration with litigation's core principles via the NCPC affirms the commitment to conducting arbitration with the same level of fairness and due process as is expected in conventional litigation.

Lastly, Article 1231-5 imposes a duty of confidentiality on the arbitration proceedings, except where legal obligations dictate otherwise or the parties have agreed to forego confidentiality. This provision underscores the private nature of arbitration, a feature that often makes it an attractive alternative to public court proceedings.

In summary, parties engaged in arbitration in Luxembourg are bound by duties that include following procedural norms, adhering to fundamental litigation principles, and in principle maintaining confidentiality. These obligations are designed to foster a fair, efficient, and effective arbitration process.

Multi-party disputes are indeed permissible within the framework of arbitration, though Luxembourg's arbitration legislation does not contain specific provisions exclusively governing such disputes. Parties involved in multi-party arbitrations retain considerable autonomy to tailor the arbitration process to suit their needs. This flexibility includes agreeing on the number and selection of arbitrators, a decision that becomes particularly significant in the context of multi-party disputes. The arbitration agreement itself can be structured to accommodate the complexities of multi-party scenarios. It may include clauses for the joinder of additional parties or the consolidation of separate but related disputes, ensuring a comprehensive resolution process. Additionally, the rules of the chosen arbitration institution often provide detailed guidance on handling multi-party disputes. These rules may cover aspects such as procedural fairness, efficient management of proceedings, and equitable representation of all parties' interests. 

In the absence of explicit legal directives, the responsibility to navigate the intricacies of multi-party disputes largely falls on the arbitrators. They play a crucial role in determining the most appropriate procedural approaches, ensuring that the process adheres to the principles of fairness and efficiency. Central to their mandate is the commitment to providing all parties with an equitable opportunity to present their case and to participate fully in the arbitration proceedings.  

Under Article 1231 of the NCPC, Arbitral Tribunals are compelled to adjudicate disputes according to the laws deemed applicable. This obligation extends to international disputes, wherein the legal frameworks agreed upon by the parties are given precedence, except in cases where such agreements infringe upon international public order principles. In Luxembourg, there exists a robust tradition of Tribunals respecting parties' consensus on the substantive law governing their disputes. This respect for party autonomy is, however, conditioned upon the compliance of such agreements with international public order.

In situations where the substantive law is ambiguous or the parties have failed to designate a specific legal framework, the Tribunal embarks on a rigorous process to ascertain the most appropriate applicable law. This endeavour may draw upon instruments like the Rome Convention of 19 June 1980 and the Brussels Regulations, further informed by conflict of law rules as necessary. In determining the applicable law, the Tribunal considers various factors, including the law governing the contract, the location designated for the contract's performance, and common trade practices. Moreover, the Tribunal may incorporate any additional elements it deems relevant to ensure the adjudication is both fair and equitable.

The Tribunal’s determination of the applicable law is conclusive and binds all parties involved. This methodology not only upholds legal certainty but also respects the autonomy of the parties, thereby conforming to established international legal norms. Should the evidence of the substantive law be inadequately or insufficiently proved by the parties, the Tribunal may refrain from applying the foreign substantive law, defaulting instead to the law of the seat of arbitration. This principle ensures that the arbitration process remains anchored in a legal framework that is both predictable and consistent with the broader objectives of justice and fairness.In instances where the substantive law remains ambiguous or the parties have not established a clear legal framework, the Tribunal embarks on a meticulous process to identify the most fitting applicable law. This process may involve the application of the Rome Convention of 19 June 1980 and the Brussels Regulations, supplemented, where necessary, by conflict of laws rules.

Luxembourg legal framework governing arbitration does allow for the inclusion of additional parties after the commencement of the arbitration proceedings, under certain conditions. This practice is aligned with principles seen in international law, such as those outlined in Article 1231-12, inspired by Belgian law.

Key points include:

  • Application for Intervention: any interested third party can apply in writing to the arbitral tribunal for intervention. This application is then communicated to the original parties of the arbitration.
  • Invitation by a Party: An existing party in the arbitration can invite a third party to join the proceedings.
  • Consent and Arbitration Agreement: critical to the joinder is the existence of an arbitration agreement between the third party and the original disputing parties, and the consent of the Arbitral Tribunal is mandatory.

This provision is particularly relevant in complex disputes where third parties, such as guarantors in financial obligations, have a vested interest in the outcome. By allowing the inclusion of additional parties, Luxembourg legal system ensures a comprehensive and equitable resolution process that acknowledges the interconnected nature of modern commercial and legal relationships.

Under Luxembourg law, the binding nature of an arbitration agreement typically does not extend to third parties as a general rule. Nevertheless, there are substantial exceptions to this principle inter alia in case of an assignment of the contract. These exceptions arise when the arbitration agreement implicitly encompasses such parties, or when they have implicitly or necessarily accepted its terms. The impact of the arbitration clause on third parties largely depends on the precise wording used in the agreement and the specific context of each case. Central to this issue is the foundational principle that an arbitrator's authority is based on the expressed intent of the involved parties, reflecting the contractual essence of arbitration. Importantly, judicial precedents have recognized situations in which parties' actions may imply their agreement to arbitration, despite not having formally signed the arbitration agreement. This broader interpretation allows the arbitration clause to affect third parties, particularly when they play a significant role in the implementation of the contract at the heart of the dispute.

In Luxembourg's arbitration framework, the stipulations regarding the number and qualifications of arbitrators are notably flexible, aligning with the commercial needs of the parties involved. Parties have the autonomy to determine the number of arbitrators through their arbitration agreement. Should they not specify this in the agreement, the default number is set at three. This fallback number can also be determined by the person in charge of organizing the arbitration chosen by the parties or, if necessary, by the supporting court. As for the qualifications, the key requirement for arbitrators in Luxembourg is to uphold impartiality and independence, ensuring an equitable and unbiased arbitration process. This approach reflects Luxembourg's commitment to fostering a dynamic and fair arbitration environment, adaptable to the diverse requirements of international commerce.

An arbitrator can be challenged under specific circumstances as per Luxembourg legal framework. The primary grounds for challenging an arbitrator, as outlined in Article 1228-7 NCPC, are circumstances that raise legitimate doubts about his or her impartiality or independence, or if the arbitrator lacks the qualifications agreed upon by the parties. If a dispute arises regarding the challenge, it is initially addressed by the entity responsible for organizing the arbitration. In the absence of such a body, the supporting judge intervenes and the parties must refer the matter to the court within one month of the disputed fact's disclosure or discovery. Furthermore, as stated in Article 1228-8 NCPC an arbitrator can only be dismissed with the unanimous consent of all parties involved. If unanimity is not achieved, the same procedure of arbitration organization or judicial intervention applies, with a similar one-month timeframe for resolution. While Luxembourg does permit the challenging and potential dismissal of an arbitrator, it does so within a structured and judicious framework. This approach safeguards the arbitration process's integrity and fairness, ensuring challenges are substantiated and resolved swiftly. These measures guarantee that the appointment, evaluation and potential removal of arbitrators occur in an equitable, organized, and prompt manner.

Arbitrators are expected to continue their duties until the conclusion of their assignment, barring any legitimate reasons for abstention such as an inability to fulfil their role or a valid reason for abstaining or resigning. In the event of a successful challenge against an arbitrator, the replacement process is guided by the principles outlined in Art. 1228-9 NCPC. The appointment of a new arbitrator is conducted in alignment with the procedures initially agreed upon or followed  by the parties for the appointment of the original arbitrator.

In light of the provision of article 1228-6 NCPC, the duties imposed on arbitrators include not only the obligation to disclose any circumstances that could affect their independence or impartiality before accepting their appointment but also an obligation of confidentiality as arbitration proceedings, unless otherwise agreed by the parties, are strictly confidential.  Additionally, arbitrators are required to promptly disclose any similar circumstances that may arise after accepting their appointment. This underscores the importance of arbitrators maintaining their impartiality and independence throughout the arbitration process and ensuring they meet the necessary qualifications agreed upon by the parties.

Arbitrator's Role in Regulating Procedure

Under Art. 1231-2 NCPC, an arbitration tribunal has significant discretion in regulating the procedure of arbitral proceedings. This can be outlined in the arbitration agreement, either directly or by referencing specific arbitration rules or procedural guidelines. In cases where the arbitration agreement does not specify procedural details, the tribunal is empowered to establish the necessary procedural framework. Notably, this discretion allows the arbitrator to deviate from the procedures typical in state courts, offering a more tailored approach to dispute resolution provided that, as per Article 1231-3 NCPC, under all circumstances, the tribunal, ensures equality and adherence to the adversarial principle and equality between parties. This ensures that all parties have a fair opportunity to present their case and respond to the other party's arguments, upholding the integrity and balance of the arbitration process.

Investigative Powers and Handling of Evidence

According to Article 1231-8 NCPC, the arbitral tribunal is authorized to conduct necessary investigations. It can hear any person, including the parties involved, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of the case. This hearing process is not bound by oath-taking unless a foreign law applicable to the proceedings dictates otherwise. If a party possesses relevant evidence, the tribunal can order its production in a manner deemed appropriate. This grants the arbitrator substantial control over the evidentiary aspects of the case. When a party relies on a document held by a third party, the arbitrator can facilitate its procurement. The party can, upon the arbitrator's request, summon the third party before a supporting judge to obtain or produce the document.

The arbitration tribunal, in this legal framework, wields considerable power over procedural matters and the handling of evidence. This includes the ability to tailor the process to the specifics of the case, ensuring fairness and comprehensive consideration of all relevant materials and testimonies. Such flexibility and authority underscore the effectiveness and efficiency of arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution method, tailored to meet the unique needs of the parties involved while maintaining procedural integrity.

Understanding the Scope of Arbitrator Powers

Arbitrators' Authority to Order Provisional Measures: under Article 1231-9 NCPC, arbitrators have significant latitude to order parties to undertake provisional or protective measures deemed appropriate. This capacity is a fundamental aspect of an arbitrator's role in ensuring the effectiveness and fairness of the arbitration process.

Conditions and Limitations: it is crucial to note that this authority is subject to certain conditions the arbitral tribunal determines, offering a tailored approach to each case's unique dynamics.

Exclusions - State Court Jurisdiction: importantly, the applicable provision clarifies that the power to order seizures remains exclusively within the jurisdiction of state courts. This distinction ensures a balance between the arbitrator's authority and the traditional powers of state judiciary systems.

Modifications and Adjustments to Interim Measures: arbitrators are not only empowered to order interim measures but also have the flexibility to modify, supplement, suspend, or revoke these measures. This dynamic ability allows arbitrators to respond effectively to evolving case circumstances, ensuring that interim measures remain relevant and fair throughout the arbitration process.

Ensuring Fairness through security for interim measures: a critical aspect of an arbitrator's power is the discretion to require a party requesting an interim measure to provide appropriate security. This requirement is a safeguard, promoting responsibility and mitigating potential misuse of the interim relief process.

Arbitrators in modern commercial arbitration play a pivotal, balanced and, yet dynamic role in managing interim relief measures, characterized by a balance of authority, flexibility, and responsibility. Their powers, as outlined in Article 1231-9 NCPC, reflect a comprehensive approach, ensuring that interim measures are used effectively and judiciously, in alignment with the overarching goal of fair and efficient dispute resolution.

Under the guiding principles of Art. 1231-13, an arbitrator is vested with significant authority to ensure compliance with their decisions. This encompasses not only final judgments but also extends to interim or protective measures and measures of inquiry. In instances where parties fail to adhere to the arbitrator's orders, the arbitrator has the discretion to impose penalties. This power is crucial in maintaining the efficacy and integrity of the arbitration process. Primarily, it acts as a deterrent against non-compliance, reinforcing the seriousness and binding nature of the arbitrator's orders. Additionally, it ensures that all parties engage in the arbitration process in good faith, respecting the temporary measures or inquiries that may be pivotal in the resolution of the dispute.

In essence, the authority to levy penalties under Art. 1231-13 is a vital tool in the arbitrator's arsenal. It not only upholds the enforceability of their decisions but also underpins the overall effectiveness and credibility of the arbitration process as a means of dispute resolution. This power must, however, be exercised judiciously and in alignment with the principles of fairness and justice, which are the cornerstones of arbitration.

In Luxembourg, public policy is the only exception to the broad scope of relief that can be requested and granted. This matter is considered under the substantive law of Luxembourg, allowing for a wide range of legal remedies without specific restrictions.

Within the bounds of the applicable Luxembourg laws, arbitration tribunals enjoy considerable discretion in awarding interest, a freedom that is circumscribed only by specific considerations regarding compounding interest and stringent anti-usury laws. According to Article 1154 of the Luxembourg Civil Code, interest accrued on principal amounts may compound, thereby generating further interest, provided there is either a “judicial” demand or a special agreement that explicitly addresses interest owed for at least one year. Luxembourg's rigorous usury laws, under article 494 of the code Penal meticulously define and penalize only those usurious practices that exploit a borrower's vulnerability through the repeated imposition of unauthorized rates. This precise interpretation ensures that instances of usury are rarely recognized under Luxembourg law, striking a careful balance between the protection of borrowers and the legitimate accrual of interest under specific conditions.

In cases where a respondent does not participate in arbitration without justifiable reason, the tribunal has the authority to proceed and render an award based on the evidence available. In adherence to the key adversarial principle, the tribunal ensures non-participating parties are given ample opportunity to engage, clarifying that their absence does not constitute consent to the claims presented.

Should the claimants fail to present their case, the tribunal is obligated to dismiss the arbitration, preserving the rights of other parties to pursue their claims independently. Conversely, if the respondent fails to articulate its defence, the tribunal will advance the proceedings, ensuring that such non-participation is not deemed an implicit agreement to the claimant's demands and allegations. Additionally, the tribunal may progress with the arbitration in the event of a party's non-engagement in oral hearings or failure to produce documents, making determinations based on the evidence available.

The tribunal possesses the capacity to issue a default award, provided that the non-defaulting party substantiates its claim and demands. Such a default award is enforceable in court just like a standard award.

Under the provisions of Article 1227-4 of the NCPC, Luxembourg law delineates specific and limited circumstances under which courts may exercise jurisdiction over arbitration matters, whether seated within or outside Luxembourg. Notably, before the formation of an arbitral tribunal, or in instances where it becomes apparent that the arbitration tribunal is incapable of granting the requested measure, the existence of an arbitration agreement does not preclude a party from seeking judicial intervention. For instance, the arbitral tribunal lacks jurisdiction to order attachment proceedings, as only the state court possesses the authority to order seizures (Article 1231-9 NCPC). Similarly, the tribunal cannot compel the forced production of documents held by a third party, a measure that is exclusively within the state court’s purview (Article 1231-8 NCPC). This intervention may be sought for the purposes of obtaining measures of inquiry, or interim or protective measures, without such action constituting a waiver of the arbitration agreement.

Luxembourg courts exercise a markedly restrained approach towards involvement in arbitral proceedings, adhering closely to the principle of party autonomy and respecting the arbitral tribunal's jurisdiction. This approach is manifested in the courts' limited authority to intervene, which is exercised only under narrowly defined conditions, either at the request of one of the parties involved in the arbitration or by the arbitral tribunal itself. The overarching principle guiding this legal framework is the respect for the arbitral process, ensuring that the tribunal's authority to manage the proceedings is maintained with minimal state court interference.

While the power and authority of an arbitral tribunal to order provisional or conservatory measures, except in situations explicitly outlined by law such as ordering attachments or the delivery of piece of evidence held by third parties, can be restricted or nullified by mutual agreement of the parties involved (as per Article 1231-9 of the NCPC), the jurisdiction and powers bestowed upon the supporting judge (“juge d’appui”) or state courts originate predominantly from public policy rules. Consequently, these powers are inherently and generally beyond the scope of limitation or exclusion through party agreements.

Parties have the autonomy to agree on how these costs should be divided. Absent such an agreement, the tribunal is tasked with making this determination. The tribunal's approach to cost allocation is not rigid; it may distribute costs in direct correlation to each party's success

in the arbitration, divide them equally, or adopt a different distribution as deemed fitting. This flexibility allows the tribunal to consider various factors, including the case's complexity, the parties' conduct, the arbitration outcome, and any settlement proposals made.

The legislation in Luxembourg does not prescribe a definitive period for the issuance of an arbitral award. However, it can be deduced from Article 1231-6 of the NCPC that, in the absence of a specified timeframe within the arbitration agreement, the term of the arbitral tribunal's mandate is confined to six months, commencing from the acceptance date of the last arbitrator's appointment. This provision implies that, since the authority and assignment of arbitrators must be completed within six-months, the award should logically be issued within the same timeframe. Nonetheless, the parties involved may mutually agree upon a specific and distinct delay for the delivery of the arbitral award.

Under Luxembourg law, parties are precluded from waiving or excluding their right to challenge or appeal an arbitration award. The rationale for this prohibition is rooted in the principle that the right to contest an award for violating public policy is integral to public interest and the right to a fair trial, rendering it inviolable and non-negotiable. Consequently, any contractual provision attempting to sidestep this fundamental principle is deemed null and void. Challenges or appeals against arbitration awards are permissible solely within the confines and through the mechanisms expressly delineated by the NCPC. Hence, any agreement designed to curtail the ambit of judicial scrutiny or to forsake the right to challenge or appeal an award is regarded as ineffective and legally unenforceable.

Yes, Luxembourg's arbitration legislation does include specific exceptions to the principle of confidentiality. Notably, parties involved in arbitration may mutually decide to relinquish confidentiality entirely or partially. Additionally, circumstances necessitating legal disclosure, such as for the enforcement or contestation of an award, also constitute exceptions.

A new legal landscape: A close look at Luxembourg's arbitration law reform

Art. 1224. (1) All persons may compromise on rights which they freely dispose of:

(2) In particular, no arbitration may be entered into in respect of matters concerning the status and capacity of persons, the representation of incapable persons, the causes of action of such incapable persons and those of persons who are absent or presumed to be absent.

(3) The arbitral tribunal shall apply the rules of public policy.

Art. 1225. The following may not be submitted to arbitration: 1° disputes between professionals and consumers; 2° disputes between employers and employees; 3° disputes relating to residential leases. This prohibition remains applicable even after the end of the contractual relations referred to above.

The new article 1224 of the NCPC refers to the nature of the disputes that can be settled by arbitration, which excludes weaker parties who must be protected, as in consumer law. In labour law, the question of whether disputes relating to an employment contract shall not be settled by arbitration. Finally, disputes arising from bankruptcy proceedings cannot be adjudicated by an arbitral tribunal. However, the receiver of a company may, for example, conclude an arbitration agreement to settle a dispute with a debtor. Similarly, an arbitral tribunal may hear a dispute covered by an arbitration agreement stipulated in a contract that was to be performed before the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings.

Art. 1227. (1) An arbitration agreement is an agreement by which the parties decide to submit to arbitration all or some of the disputes which have arisen or may arise between them in respect of a particular legal relationship, whether contractual or not. It is not subject to any formality requirements.

(2) It may be concluded in the form of an arbitration clause or a compromise agreement. An arbitration clause is an agreement by which the parties to a contract undertake to submit to arbitration any disputes which may arise in connection with that contract. An arbitration agreement is an agreement by which the parties to a dispute submit it to arbitration.

The arbitration clause or arbitration agreement is not subject to any requirement regarding form; it can be concluded orally.

Art. 1227-2. The arbitral tribunal shall rule on its own jurisdiction, including any objection to the existence or validity of the arbitration agreement. For this purpose, an arbitration clause which forms part of a contract shall be treated as an agreement separate from the other terms of the contract. It is not affected by the nullity, lapse or termination of the contract. The nullity of the arbitration clause does not imply the nullity of the contract.

The Luxembourg legislation enshrines the principle of competence-competence, which is universally accepted in comparative law. It also refers to the principles of severability and autonomy of the arbitration clause, by which the dispute resolution clause is independent of the main contract and is not affected by the defects of the latter or its possible nullity. The effect of such a provision is to protect the power of arbitrators to rule on their own jurisdiction in a matter to override delaying tactics.

Art. 1227-3. Where a dispute arising out of an arbitration agreement is brought before a state court, the latter shall declare that it lacks jurisdiction, unless the arbitration agreement is null and void due to the non-arbitrability of the case, or if it is manifestly null and void for any other reason. The state court may not declare of its own motion that it does not have jurisdiction. If the arbitral tribunal declares that it does not have jurisdiction, or if the arbitral award is set aside for a reason that precludes a resubmission to the arbitral tribunal, the case shall be continued before the court or tribunal originally seized as soon as the parties or one of them has notified the Registry and the other parties of the occurrence of the relevant event.

The new enacted legislation establishes the negative effect of the jurisdictional principle, which precludes judicial scrutiny of the enforceabilty of an arbitration agreement save for the case of its obvious and manifest nullity. The second element of the jurisdictional principle is the positive effect, under which the arbitrators must be the first (but not the only) judges of their own jurisdiction; the oversight of the Luxembourg judge is postponed to the stage of any action involving enforcement or annulment of the arbitration award made on the basis of the arbitration agreement.
When a dispute to be resolved by arbitration is addressed to a national court, it will decline jurisdiction only if one of the respondents invokes this exception, unless the arbitration agreement is manifestly null and void or unenforceable.

Art. 1227-4. As long as the arbitral tribunal has not yet been constituted or when it appears that an arbitral tribunal cannot grant the measure sought, the existence of an arbitration agreement does not prevent a party from bringing an action before a state court for the purpose of obtaining a measure of inquiry or an interim or protective measure. Such an application does not imply waiver of the arbitration agreement.

Before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, only the state court may order urgent measures. Certain measures, such as garnishments, cannot be granted by an arbitral tribunal because of its lack of enforcement powers, in particular against third parties.

Art. 1228. The parties are free to determine the seat of the arbitration or to delegate this determination to the person who may have been entrusted with organising the arbitration. Failing such determination, the seat shall be fixed by the arbitral tribunal, taking into account the circumstances of the case, including the convenience of the parties. The arbitration shall be deemed to take place at the seat of the arbitration, notwithstanding the possibility for the tribunal, unless otherwise agreed, to hold hearings, take evidence, sign decisions and meet at any place it deems appropriate. Arbitral decisions shall be deemed to have been rendered at the seat of the arbitration.

This article echoes the practice of delocalisation of arbitration: fixing the seat of the proceedings in Luxembourg does not necessarily require holding the hearings in Luxembourg. But by determining the seat of the arbitration, the parties agree on the place where the award is deemed to be made, which has a direct impact on remedies and review of the award.

Art. 1228-3. In the absence of agreement between the parties, any dispute relating to the constitution of the arbitral tribunal shall be settled by the person responsible for organising the arbitration or, failing that, by the supporting judge.

Art. 1228-4. If the parties fail to agree on the method of appointing an arbitrator, the procedure shall be as follows:
1° In the event of arbitration by a sole arbitrator, if the parties do not agree on the choice of arbitrator, the arbitrator shall be appointed by the person responsible for organising the arbitration or, failing this, by the supporting judge;

2° In the event of arbitration by three arbitrators, each party shall choose one arbitrator and the two arbitrators so chosen shall appoint the third arbitrator; if a party fails to choose an arbitrator within one month of receipt of the request to do so from the other party or if the two arbitrators fail to agree on the choice of the third arbitrator within one month of acceptance by the last arbitrator of his appointment, the person responsible for organising the arbitration or, failing this, the supporting judge shall make the appointment;

3° Where the dispute is between more than two parties and the parties are unable to agree on how the Arbitral Tribunal should be constituted, the person responsible for organising the arbitration or, failing this, the supporting judge, shall appoint the arbitrators;

4° All other disagreements relating to the appointment of the arbitrators shall likewise be settled by the person responsible for organising the arbitration or, failing this, the supporting judge.

As noted during the preparatory work on the draft legislation, the one-month period stipulated for a party to choose an arbitrator, after which the supporting judge may proceed to appoint them, seems more appropriate than the eight-day period provided for in the past.
Art. 1228-7. An arbitrator may only be challenged if there are circumstances likely to raise legitimate doubts as to his impartiality or independence, or if he does not possess the qualifications required by the parties. In the event of a dispute as to whether an arbitrator should be challenged, the difficulty shall be settled by the person responsible for organising the arbitration or, failing this, by the supporting judge, who shall refer the matter to the court within one month of the disclosure or discovery of the disputed fact to the court within a month of the disclosure or discovery of the contentious information.

This article imposes a disclosure obligation on arbitrators. This is a welcome provision in order to prevent potential conflicts of interest.

Art. 1228-8. The arbitrator may only be dismissed with the unanimous consent of the parties. Failing unanimity, the difficulty shall be settled by the person responsible for organising the arbitration or, failing that, by the supporting judge, who shall refer the matter to the court within one month of the disclosure or discovery of the disputed fact.
As regards the time limit for lodging an objection, the new law takes its inspiration from the French model by extending the period to one month, contrary to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law model legislation, which provides for a time limit of 15 days.

Art. 1229. The supporting judge in charge of the arbitration proceedings is the Luxembourg judge when the seat of the arbitration has been fixed in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, or, if the seat has not been fixed, when :

1° the parties have agreed to submit the arbitration to Luxembourg procedural law; or

2° the parties have expressly given jurisdiction to the Luxembourg courts to hear disputes relating to the arbitration proceedings; or 3° there is a significant link between the dispute and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

The Luxembourg supporting judge always has jurisdiction if one of the parties is exposed to a risk of denial of justice.

Article 1229 sets out four connecting factors and grounds for international jurisdiction of the Luxembourg judge in arbitration, primarily when the seat is located in Luxembourg. The other three criteria are alternative: by the will of the parties in choosing Luxembourg law as procedural law for the arbitration (lex curia); where there is a significant link between the dispute and Luxembourg, such as the place of performance of a disputed contract or the domicile of a defendant; or in the event of the risk of denial of justice.

Art. 1231. The arbitral tribunal shall decide the dispute in accordance with the applicable rules of law. In international matters, the applicable rules are those chosen by the parties or, failing that, those that the Tribunal considers appropriate. The arbitral tribunal shall act as an amiable composition if the parties have asked it to do so.

According to the preparatory work on the legislation, “international matters” should be understood not with reference to the French definition of international arbitration, but according to the ordinary rules of private international law. The arbitrator(s) will be able to rule as in the capacity of an amiable compositeur – with the power to seek an equitable solution to the dispute, by setting aside if necessary the legal rules otherwise applicable or the strict application of a contract – offering opportunities for the renegotiation of contracts, for example.

Art. 1231-3. The arbitral tribunal shall always guarantee equality of the parties and respect of the adversarial principle.

This article provides for in Luxembourg arbitration law the principle of equality of opportunity to present one’s case and respect for the adversarial process. This principle must be applied in the light of Article 6 § 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights and may be applicable in particular in matters of clandestine evidence.
Art. 1231-5. In the absence of legal obligations to the contrary or unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitration proceedings shall be confidential.

This is one of the main advantages of the reform, which addresses the preference of economic players regarding business secrets or banking and financial transactions. It is specified in the preparatory work that this obligation will not invalidate the procedure and that breaches may be sanctioned by damages.

Art. 1231-6. If the arbitration agreement does not set a time limit, the duration of the mission of the arbitral tribunal shall be limited to six months from acceptance of the mission by the final arbitrator to do so. The legal or contractual time limit may be extended by agreement of the parties or by the person in charge of organising the arbitration if they have been authorised to do so by the parties, or, failing that, by the supporting judge.

Once the arbitrators accept their mission, the time limit for rendering an arbitration award is six months.

Article 1232. The deliberations of the arbitral tribunal shall be secret. The parties may, by a stipulation in the arbitration agreement or in the arbitration rules, authorise each of the arbitrators to append his separate or dissenting opinion to the arbitral award. The deliberations of the arbitral tribunal shall be secret. The parties may, by a stipulation in the arbitration agreement or in the arbitration rules, authorise each of the arbitrators to append his separate or dissenting opinion to the arbitral award.

Art. 1232-2. The arbitral award shall state the reasons on which it is based, unless the parties have dispensed the arbitral tribunal from stating the reasons.

Art. 1232-3. The arbitral award has the force of res judicata as soon as it is made. The arbitral tribunal shall deliver a signed copy of the award to each party. The award may be served by a party. The parties may, however, agree that this effect shall be attached to another method of service designated by them.

Art. 1233. An arbitration award may be enforced only through an enforcement order issued by the president of the district court in whose jurisdiction the award was made. The procedure relating to application for enforcement is not adversarial. The application must be filed by the earliest party at the registry of the competent court together with the original or a copy of the award and the arbitration agreement. The claimant must elect domicile in the district of the court addressed. Service on the claimant relating to enforcement of the award or recourse may be carried out at the address elected. A copy of the award shall be attached to the enforcement order.

Under the new article 1233 of the NCPC, the judge of exequatur for awards made in Luxembourg is the president of the district court in whose jurisdiction the award was handed down, of Luxembourg or Diekirch. The exequatur order must state the court’s reasoning and may be appealed against under the new article 1235 of the code.

Art. 1238. An action for annulment is only available if:

1. The arbitral tribunal has wrongly declared itself competent or incompetent.

2. The arbitral tribunal has been improperly constituted.

3. The arbitral tribunal has ruled without compliance with its terms of reference.

4. The award is contrary to public policy.

5. The award does not state its reasoning unless the parties have dispensed with the need for the reasoning of the arbitrators.

6. There has been a violation of the rights of defence.

Article 1238 lists the six grounds for an annulment through an action for annulment (lack of jurisdiction of the court, the court was improperly constituted, the court ruled without complying with the terms of reference given by the parties, non-compliance with the adversarial process, infringement of public policy, failure to state reasons unless otherwise agreed by the parties, and violation of the rights of the defence).

The ground of failure to state reasons is expressed in a more flexible manner than in French law. Article 1241 provides that this recourse is not suspensive, but that the enforcement of the award may be adjusted by the Court of Appeal. Article 1243 adopts the revision system from French law and Article 1244 enshrines the third-party objection.

Only courts of the territory where the foreign award was made can rule on an appeal for annulment. However, if the award is the subject of an exequatur ruling in Luxembourg, it can be examined by the Luxembourg appeal court through an appeal against the exequatur decision. The exequatur ruling of an arbitration award handed down abroad can be refused inter alia on the same six grounds that apply to the annulment of awards delivered in Luxembourg as set out in the new article 1238. Other grounds are the fraud of one party, if the award was based on forged evidence or testimonials.

The introduction of a preventive action for unenforceability, which would have allowed a party to an award to take preventive action before the courts to avoid the award being granted exequatur, provided a sufficient interest would have been evidenced, was finally given up by the lawmaker.

The wide-ranging reform undertaken by the Luxembourg law-maker proposes a coherent regime of rules designed to promote efficient arbitration proceedings in Luxembourg that respect the fundamental rights of the parties choosing this mode of dispute resolution. It should be noted that the issue of the negative effect of the jurisdictional principle needs to be resolved. By introducing more flexibility and balancing the rules on arbitration agreements and proceedings, the objective remains to promote the integrity of the Luxembourg marketplace while ensuring the full effectiveness of awards.

Our specialized arbitration team has achieved significant successes in recent high-profile cases, demonstrating our expertise and dedication. Allow us to highlight two examples that underscore our capabilities:

1. We were involved in a highly intricate US$1 billion investment treaty claim against a European country. The case centered around the challenges encountered by a creditor in enforcing a commercial arbitration award across multiple jurisdictions, including England, Austria, and the Netherlands. Despite these difficulties, we successfully secured enforcement in Luxembourg and Belgium. For more details regarding this case, please find below the links to the official site of the PCA (Permanent Court of Arbitration) and UNCTAD’s Investment Policy Hub:



2. Enforcing a €500 Million Commercial Award: Our team effectively represented and assisted a creditor in enforcing a €500 million commercial award within Luxembourg, leveraging the provisions of the New York Convention of June 10, 1958 on the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitration awards. We achieved favorable outcomes at both the Court of Appeal (decision 55/17-VIII-exequatur) and the Supreme Court (Cour de Cassation 70/2018). The judgments for these decisions are publicly accessible online, underscoring our capability to handle high-stakes cases.

These cases exemplify our team’s adeptness in navigating complex arbitration landscapes and delivering favourable results. Whether you require assistance with an investment treaty claim or seek to enforce a commercial award, you can rely on our expertise to guide you towards a favourable outcome.

As a leading Luxembourg law firm with a specialised focus on arbitration, we are uniquely positioned to guide and represent our clients in all aspects of the arbitration process. Our deep understanding of the recent reform of the Luxembourg arbitration law enables us to provide up-to-date, strategic advice tailored to the specific needs of each case. Here is how we can assist you:

  • Arbitration Strategy Development: our seasoned team can assist in devising effective strategies for dispute resolution, considering all relevant legal, commercial, and practical aspects. We conduct a thorough analysis to advise on the most advantageous course of action – be it pursuing arbitration, litigation, negotiation, or other forms of alternative dispute resolution.
  • Drafting and Reviewing Arbitration Agreements: we provide expert assistance in drafting arbitration clauses in commercial contracts, ensuring they are robust, clear, and enforceable. Moreover, we can review existing agreements and suggest modifications to optimise them in light of the latest legal changes and best practices.
  • Representation in Arbitration Proceedings: from initiating the arbitration process to presenting the case and enforcing or challenging the award, our team is adept at handling the entire arbitration proceedings. We work diligently to protect our clients’ interests, focusing on achieving favourable outcomes while minimising risks and costs.
  • Advisory Services: we provide timely advice on matters related to conflicts of interest, procedural issues, disclosure obligations, and the role of competence-competence principle under the new law reform.
  • Confidentiality and Ethics: upholding the new obligation of confidentiality introduced in the reform, we ensure that all proceedings are handled with utmost discretion. We also adhere to the highest ethical standards and professionalism.
  • International Arbitration: with the extensive experience in international law, our arbitration team is skilled at managing cross-border disputes. We navigate the complexities of international rules and jurisdictions to provide comprehensive support for global disputes.

At our firm, we understand that every dispute comes with its own set of challenges. That’s why we commit to a personalised approach, providing each client with a bespoke solution to meet their unique requirements. Whether you’re a multinational corporation or a local business, you can trust our team to provide exceptional service and expert guidance through the complexities of arbitration law.

Feel free to get in touch with us to learn more about how we can assist you in arbitration matters.

Reform of arbitration law in Luxembourg

On September 15, 2020, the Luxembourg government addressed the modernisation of the country’s arbitration law by tabling bill No. 7671 to the Chamber of Deputies. Since their incorporation in France’s Napoleonic-era Code of Civil Procedure of 1806, the rules relating to arbitration procedures have been modified only occasionally, with a major change in 1981 that notably updated the regime for appeals against awards. The current reform comes at the right time because the grand duchy has manifest advantages as a hub for arbitration, in particular the favourable attitude of judges toward international law.

The modernisation of arbitration has multiple goals, not only to relieve the national courts of some cross-border disputes but also to make Luxembourg more attractive as a jurisdiction by providing parties to a dispute access to the legal expertise. Many operating companies and holding entities have their headquarters in Luxembourg and incur additional costs when their disputes are heard in arbitration forums abroad. Additional risks arise when the legal advisers and judges in annulment proceedings are not specialists in Luxembourg law.

The draft legislation is inspired by French law and the model law of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, and seeks to provide liberal and arbitration-friendly provisions. Within the seven new chapters that will be integrated into Luxembourg’s New Code of Civil Procedure (NCPC), the draft does not make a distinction between national and international arbitration.

Its principles are widely accepted in comparative law: they notably include a broad scope of whether disputes can be settled by arbitration, the absence of formalism for the arbitration agreement, the principle of autonomy of the arbitration clause, the positive and negative effect of the principle of competence-competence – whether a legal body has jurisdiction to rule on its own competence in matters before it – as well as the obligation of disclosure on the arbitrator (economic links with companies, former mandates, appointments as arbitrator or as lawyer of a party involved) in order to minimise the risk of conflicts of interest.

Nevertheless, the draft legislation innovates on certain points by comparison with French law, notably by introducing an obligation of confidentiality, sanctioned by the award of damages. It also strengthens the powers of the support judge and requires collaboration between the state judge and the arbitral tribunal to maximise the effectiveness of the arbitration proceedings.

The legislation also aims to extend the international jurisdiction of Luxembourg judges by giving him or her a jurisdictional head in the name of denial of justice. The arbitration award has the force of res judicata – a settled matter that may not be relitigated – regarding the dispute it resolves and must include its reasoning.

Regarding recourse against the award, the proposal distinguishes between awards made in Luxembourg and those made abroad:
• Awards handed down in Luxembourg may be subject to an action for annulment on the basis of the new article 1238 of the NCPC, which lists seven grounds for annulment. Article 1243 adopts the revision system in French law, and article 1244 deals with third-party opposition.
• For awards delivered abroad, it is impossible to initiate annulment proceedings, but revision of the award is permissible. The innovation of the Luxembourg law is the introduction of a preventive action for unenforceability (recours préventif en inopposabilité), as required by French doctrine. It allows a party to an award to oppose the exequatur – recognition and enforcement of a foreign judgment – procedure at an early stage, provided it can demonstrate a sufficient interest.

Scope of eligibility for arbitration

Art. 1224. (1) All persons may compromise on rights which they freely dispose of.
(2) Compromises may not be made in matters concerning the status and capacity of persons, marital relations, the representation of incapable persons, the causes of incapable persons and those of absent or presumed absent persons.
(3) The arbitral tribunal shall apply the rules of public policy.

Art. 1225. The following may not be submitted to arbitration: 1° disputes between professionals and consumers; 2° disputes between employers and employees; 3° disputes relating to residential leases. This prohibition remains applicable even after the end of the contractual relations referred to above.

The new article 1224 of the NCPC refers to the nature of the disputes that can be settled by arbitration, which excludes weaker parties who must be protected, as in consumer law. In labour law, the question of whether disputes relating to an employment contract may be settled by arbitration is not resolved and is still the subject of parliamentary debate. Finally, disputes arising from bankruptcy proceedings cannot be adjudicated by an arbitral tribunal. However, the receiver of a company may, for example, conclude an arbitration agreement to settle a dispute with a debtor. Similarly, an arbitral tribunal may hear a dispute covered by an arbitration agreement stipulated in a contract that was to be performed before the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings.

Arbitration agreement

Art. 1227. (1) An arbitration agreement is an agreement by which the parties decide to submit to arbitration all or some of the disputes which have arisen or may arise between them in respect of a particular legal relationship, whether contractual or not. It is not subject to any formality requirements.
(2) It may be concluded in the form of an arbitration clause or a settlement agreement. An arbitration clause is an agreement by which the parties to one or more contracts undertake to submit to arbitration any disputes which may arise in connection with that contract or those contracts. An arbitration agreement is an agreement by which the parties to a dispute submit it to arbitration.

The arbitration clause or arbitration agreement is not subject to any requirement regarding form; it can be concluded orally.

Art. 1227-2. The arbitral tribunal may rule on its own jurisdiction, including any objection to the existence or validity of the arbitration agreement. For this purpose, an arbitration clause which forms part of a contract shall be treated as an agreement separate from the other terms of the contract. It is not affected by the nullity, lapse or termination of the contract. Where it is null and void, the arbitration clause shall be deemed not to have been written.

The Luxembourg legislation enshrines the principle of competence-competence, which is universally accepted in comparative law. It also refers to the principles of severability and autonomy of the arbitration clause, by which the dispute resolution clause is independent of the main contract and is not affected by the defects of the latter or its possible nullity. The effect of such a provision is to protect the power of arbitrators to rule on their own jurisdiction in a matter to override delaying tactics.

Art. 1227-3. Where a dispute arising out of an arbitration agreement is brought before a state court, the latter shall declare that it lacks jurisdiction, unless the arbitration agreement is unlawful because of the non-applicability of arbitration the case, or if it is void or unenforceable for any other reason. The state court may not declare at its own initiative that it lacks jurisdiction. If the arbitral tribunal declares itself incompetent, or if the arbitration award is set aside for a reason that excludes resubmission of the case to an arbitral tribunal, the case shall be continued before the court to which it was originally submitted as soon as one or more of the parties has notified the registry and the other parties of the relevant event.

The legislation enshrines the positive effect of the jurisdictional principle, which prevents the judge from reviewing the applicability of an arbitration agreement. The second element of the jurisdictional principle is the negative effect, under which the arbitrators must be the first (but not the only) judges of their own jurisdiction; the oversight of the Luxembourg judge is postponed to the stage of any action involving enforcement or annulment of the arbitration award made on the basis of the arbitration agreement.

When a dispute to be resolved by arbitration is addressed to a national court, it will decline jurisdiction only if one of the respondents invokes this exception, unless the arbitration agreement is manifestly null and void or unenforceable. The wording of Article 1227 (3) of the draft legislation nevertheless appears confusing and could jeopardise the arbitration process. The first paragraph of article 1227-3 of the bill misleadingly extends this exception with the clause “if for any other reason it is void or unenforceable”, which could undermine the effectiveness of the arbitration procedure.

It is not yet certain whether the Chamber of Deputies will correct this article or take inspiration from French law and the opinion of the Association Luxembourgeoise d’Arbitrage, which in its opinion of July 27, 2021 recommended enshrining in law the negative effect of the jurisdictional principle to the maximum extent.

Art. 1227-4. As long as the arbitral tribunal has not yet been constituted or once it appears that the arbitral tribunal cannot grant the relief sought, the existence of an arbitration agreement shall not prevent a party from bringing an action before a court or tribunal with jurisdictional competence for the purpose of obtaining a measure of inquiry or an interim measure of protection.

Before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, only the state court may order urgent measures. Certain measures, such as garnishments, cannot be granted by an arbitral tribunal because of its lack of enforcement powers, in particular against third parties.

The arbitral tribunal

Art. 1228. The parties are free to determine the seat of the arbitration or to delegate this determination to the person entrusted with the organisation of the arbitration. In the absence of such determination, the seat shall be determined by the arbitral tribunal, taking into account the circumstances of the case, including the convenience of the parties. The arbitration shall be deemed to be legally conducted at the seat of the arbitration. Unless otherwise agreed, the arbitral tribunal may hold hearings, take evidence, certify its decisions and meet at any place it considers appropriate. Arbitration decisions shall be deemed to have been handed down at the seat of the arbitration.

This article echoes the practice of delocalisation of arbitration: fixing the seat of the proceedings in Luxembourg does not necessarily require holding the hearings in Luxembourg. But by determining the seat of the arbitration, the parties agree on the place where the award is deemed to be made, which has a direct impact on remedies and review of the award.

Art. 1228-3. Any dispute relating to the constitution of the arbitral tribunal shall be settled, in the absence of agreement of the parties, by the person responsible for organising the arbitration or, failing that, by the support judge.

Art. 1228-4. In the absence of an agreement of the parties on the modalities for the appointment of an arbitrator, the following procedure shall apply:
1. In the case of arbitration by a sole arbitrator, if the parties do not agree on the choice of the arbitrator, the arbitrator shall be appointed by the person in charge of organising the arbitration or, failing that, by the support judge.
2. In the case of arbitration by three arbitrators, each party shall choose one arbitrator and the two arbitrators so chosen shall appoint the third arbitrator; if a party fails to choose an arbitrator within one month of receipt of the request by the other party or if the two arbitrators fail to agree on the choice of the third arbitrator within one month of acceptance by the last arbitrator of their appointment, the person responsible for organising the arbitration or, failing that, the support judge shall make the appointment.
3. Where the dispute is between more than two parties and they do not agree on the modalities of constitution of the arbitral tribunal, the person responsible for organising the arbitration or, failing that, the support judge, shall appoint the arbitrator(s).
4. All other disagreements concerning the appointment of arbitrators shall likewise be settled by the person responsible for organising the arbitration or, failing that, the support judge.

As noted during the preparatory work on the draft legislation, the one-month period stipulated for a party to choose an arbitrator, after which the support judge may proceed to appoint them, seems more appropriate than the eight-day period provided for in the current Luxembourg law.

Art. 1228-7. An arbitrator may be challenged only if there are circumstances likely to raise legitimate doubts as to their impartiality or independence, or if they do not possess the qualifications required by the parties. In the event of a dispute over a challenge to an arbitrator, this shall be resolved by the person responsible for organising the arbitration or, failing that, decided by the support judge, who shall refer the matter to the court within a month of the disclosure or discovery of the contentious information.

This article imposes a disclosure obligation on arbitrators. This is a welcome provision in order to prevent potential conflicts of interest.

Art. 1228-8. An arbitrator may be dismissed only with the unanimous consent of the parties. In the absence of unanimity, the decision shall be taken by the person in charge of organising the arbitration or, failing that, by the support judge, who shall refer the matter to the court within a month of the disclosure or discovery of the contentious information.

As regards the time limit for lodging an objection, the Luxembourg draft law takes its inspiration from the French model by extending the period to one month, contrary to the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law model legislation, which provides for a time limit of 15 days.

The support judge

Art. 1229. The support judge of the arbitration proceedings is the Luxembourg judge when the seat of the arbitration has been fixed in Luxembourg, or, if the seat has not been fixed, when:
1. The parties have agreed to submit the arbitration to Luxembourg procedural law;
2. The parties have expressly given jurisdiction to the Luxembourg courts to hear disputes relating to the arbitral proceedings; or
3. There is a significant link between the dispute and Luxembourg. The Luxembourg support judge always has jurisdiction if one of the parties is exposed to a risk of denial of justice.

Article 1229 sets out four connecting factors and grounds for international jurisdiction of the Luxembourg judge in arbitration, primarily when the seat is located in Luxembourg. The other three criteria are alternative: by the will of the parties in choosing Luxembourg law as procedural law for the arbitration (lex curia; where there is a significant link between the dispute and Luxembourg, such as the place of performance of a disputed contract or the domicile of a defendant; or in the event of the risk of denial of justice.

The arbitration proceedings

Art. 1231. The arbitral tribunal shall decide the dispute in accordance with the applicable rules of law. In the case of an international dispute, the applicable rules are those chosen by the parties or, failing that, those which the tribunal considers appropriate. The tribunal shall decide the dispute as an ‘amiable composition’ if the parties have entrusted it with this task.

According to the preparatory work on the legislation, “international matters” should be understood not with reference to the French definition of international arbitration, but the ordinary rules of private international law. The arbitrator(s) will be able to rule as in the capacity of amiable compositeur – with the power to seek an equitable solution to the dispute, by setting aside if necessary the legal rules otherwise be applicable or the strict application of a contract – offering an opportunities for the renegotiation of contracts, for example.

Art. 1231-3. The arbitral tribunal shall always guarantee equality of the parties and respect of the adversarial principle.

This enshrines in Luxembourg arbitration law the principle of equality of opportunity to present one’s case and respect for the adversarial process. This principle must be applied in the light of Article 6 § 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights and may be applicable in particular in matters of clandestine evidence.

Art. 1231-5. In the absence of legal obligations to the contrary or unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the arbitration proceedings shall be confidential.

This is one of the main advantages of the reform, which addresses the preference of economic players regarding business secrets or banking and financial transactions. It is specified in the preparatory work that this obligation will not invalidate the procedure and that breaches may be sanctioned by damages.

Art. 1231-6. If the arbitration agreement does not set a time limit, the duration of the mission of the arbitral tribunal shall be limited to six months from acceptance of the mission by the final arbitrator to do so. The legal or contractual time limit may be extended by agreement of the parties or by the person in charge of organising the arbitration if they have been authorised to do so by the parties, or, failing that, by the support judge.

Once the arbitrators accept their mission, the time limit for rendering an arbitration award is six months, as in France; Belgian law does not impose a time limit.

The arbitration award

Article 1232 establishes the principle that the deliberations of arbitration tribunals are secret and may be accompanied by a separate or dissenting opinion.

Art. 1232-2. The arbitration award shall state the reasons on which it is based, unless the parties have given the arbitral tribunal a dispensation from stating the reasons.

Unless the parties have agreed otherwise, the failure to state reasons for an arbitration award shall result in the award being null and void.

Art. 1232-3. The arbitration award shall have the force of res judicata as soon as it is made. The arbitral tribunal shall deliver a signed copy of the award to each party. The award may be served by a party. Such service shall start the time limits provided for in the following articles. The parties may, however, agree that this effect shall be attached to another method of service designated by themselves.

As soon as it is made, the arbitral award is res judicata in relation to the dispute that it settles.

Enforcement of the award and remedies

Arbitration awards handed down in Luxembourg

Art. 1233. An arbitration award may be enforced only through an enforcement order issued by the president of the district court in whose jurisdiction the award was made. The procedure relating to application for enforcement is not adversarial. The application must be filed by the earliest party at the registry of the competent court together with the original or a copy of the award and the arbitration agreement. The claimant must elect domicile in the district of the court addressed. Service on the claimant relating to enforcement of the award or recourse may be carried out at the address elected. A copy of the award shall be attached to the enforcement order.

Under the new article 1233 of the NCPC, the judge of exequatur for awards made in Luxembourg is the president of the district court in whose jurisdiction the award was handed down, of Luxembourg or Diekirch. The exequatur order must state the court’s reasoning and may be appealed against under the new article 1235 of the code.

Art. 1234. Enforceability may not be granted if the award is manifestly contrary to public policy. No appeal may be accepted to an order granting enforcement.

A clear violation of public policy is the only ground for refusing enforcement. However, there are seven grounds for annulment of the award under article 1238, which must be examined in the annulment appeal. The procedure for appeal to the Court of Appeal against the award has been abolished, leaving as the only recourse against the award an annulment appeal to the Court of Appeal.

Art. 1238. An action for annulment is only available if:
1. The arbitral tribunal has wrongly declared itself competent or incompetent.
2. The arbitral tribunal has been improperly constituted.
3. The arbitral tribunal has ruled without compliance with its terms of reference.
4. The principle of adversarial proceedings has not been respected.
5. The award is contrary to public policy.
6. The award does not state its reasoning, unless the parties have dispensed with the need for the reasoning of the arbitrators.
7. There has been a violation of the rights of defence.

Article 1238 lists the seven grounds for annulment through an action for annulment (lack of jurisdiction of the court, the court was improperly constituted, the court ruled without complying with the terms of reference given by the parties, non-compliance with the adversarial process, infringement of public policy, failure to state reasons unless otherwise agreed by the parties, and violation of the rights of the defence).

The ground of failure to state reasons is expressed in a more flexible manner than in French law. Article 1241 provides that this recourse is not suspensive, but that the enforcement of the award may be adjusted by the Court of Appeal. Article 1243 adopts the revision system from French law and Article 1244 enshrines the third-party objection.

Arbitration awards handed down abroad

Art. 1246. A decision on an application for enforcement of an arbitration award made abroad may be appealed. The appeal must be lodged within one month of the service of the decision; the time limit may not be extended because of distance. The Court of Appeal may refuse to enforce the arbitration award only in cases provided for under article 1238, subject to the provisions of international conventions.

Only courts of the territory where the foreign award was made can rule on an appeal for annulment. However, if the award is the subject of an exequatur ruling in Luxembourg, it can be reviewed by the Luxembourg appeal court through an appeal against the exequatur decision. The exequatur ruling of an arbitration award handed down abroad can be refused on the same seven grounds that apply to the annulment of awards delivered in Luxembourg as set out in the new article 1238. Moreover, article 1247 opens up the right to apply for revision of arbitration awards made abroad.

Art. 1248. Provided that it can demonstrate a sufficient interest, each party to an award made abroad may request, as a precautionary measure, that the Court of Appeal declare the award unenforceable against it for one of the reasons for refusing enforcement cited in article 1246 or for revising the enforcement order cited in article 1247, paragraph 1. An appeal for non-enforceability is lodged, investigated and judged according to the rules relating to the procedure of common law before the Court of Appeal sitting in accordance with the civil procedure.

The final innovation of the new Luxembourg arbitration law is the introduction of a preventive action for unenforceability, which allows a party to an award to take preventive action before the courts to avoid the award being granted exequatur, provided a sufficient interest is demonstrated.

Art. 1251. The enforcement order is subject to third-party proceedings under the conditions set out in article 1244, before the Luxembourg court having jurisdiction under article 613 of this code. An arbitration award made abroad cannot itself be subject to third-party proceedings before a Luxembourg court. However, provided they can demonstrate a sufficient interest, a third party against whom the award is likely to be opposed may argue, before the competent Luxembourg court, that the award is ill-founded and cannot be invoked against them.

Third-party proceedings remain available to protect the rights of third parties affected by an arbitral award.


The wide-ranging reform undertaken by the Luxembourg law-maker proposes a coherent regime of rules designed to promote efficient arbitration proceedings in Luxembourg that respect the fundamental rights of the parties choosing this mode of dispute resolution. It should be noted that the issue of the negative effect of the jurisdictional principle needs to be resolved. By introducing more flexibility and balancing the rules on arbitration agreements and proceedings, the objective remains to promote the integrity of the Luxembourg marketplace while ensuring the full effectiveness of awards.